Fundamentals of Management in Industry and Logistics


Supply Chain professions, with at least 3 years of experience in planning, procurement and inventory management processes.


Have at least 3 years of experience in Supply Chains and a minimum level of 2 years of higher education or equivalent. Passing a positioning test is mandatory for validating registration. The Fundamentals of Industrial and Logistics Management certification is an AGILEA-IMT Mines d'Albi certification, referenced by France Compétences under the number RS6424.


Professions in planning, scheduling, procurement, inventory management, flow management, logistics, supply chain, forecasting, distribution.

Duration: 28 hours of training - 4 days with 3 weeks between 2 sessions – The last day is devoted to a case study

Price (excluding tax): €2,200 + €400 if skills are validated

Included: Access to digital tools, tests and lunches

Please contact us for sessions in English

Duration: 28 hours of training - 4 days with 3 weeks between 2 sessions – The last day is devoted to a case study

Price (excluding tax): €1,800 + €400 if skills are validated

Included: Access to digital tools and tests

Please contact us for sessions in English

If you need any adaptations for a disability, please contact us:

our disability advisor is here to help at

+33 (0)9 74 77 30 50 or

Registration form
Training Program
Training objectives of FMIL

For the learner participating in the training


Identify the decoupling points of a company
Interpret key supply chain indicators
Evaluate customer forecasting requirements and forecast reliability
Identify the success factors and parameters of each process of the MRP2 model
Produce a load-capacity analysis for production activities
Identify the criteria for choosing a procurement policy and calculate the associated management parameters

For the company sending its employees

Have teams with a common vocabulary and common tools for basic Supply Chain themes.
Enhance the skills of your teams by preparing them for skills validation.
Train your leaders to contribute to the company's transformation plans.
Have state-of-the-art teams in terms of Supply Chain activity.

Evaluation methods

Report and presentation to a jury (a staff member from AGILEA and an external supply chain professional). Plan for 1 to 2 days of work.

The training program: FMIL

Module 1

The basics of Supply Chain Management

Module 2

The bullwhip effect, via the AGILEA “flow simulation” serious game

Module 3

Demand forecasting

Module 4

The MRP2 model: S&OP, MPS, MRP and capacity management

Module 5

Scheduling and workshop management

Module 6

Procurement, inventory and supplier management

Module 7

Distribution: warehousing and transport

Module 8

Practical case study in sub-groups covering all the themes of the program.

Detailed program

The advantages
of AGILEA training

Certification registered with the Répertoire Spécifique of France Compétences.

The use of a flipped classroom concentrates the training time in order to work on the points to be explored in greater depth and to go further

Interactive training

Simulation provided through a serious game: the Flow Simulation Game

A case study is used to strengthen skills further

An online content platform to complete the training

Individual email or telephone support provided for any questions about the training and its content

The expertise of the members of our training team who demonstrate extensive experience in the industry.

Satisfaction rate 2023
Success rate 2023
See feedback from participants

Teaching tools

- Flipped classes with training support provided and questions sent in by learners - Questions/answers to bring up concepts and questions from learners - Emphasis on group experiences - Sub-group activities and brainstorming throughout the training - Group case study on the last day - Digital activity tool for virtual classes

Detailed program

To support individual work
we provide:

Training support

AGILEA platform


Book on “Production Management”

AGILEA “Question of the Day” application

It is essential to set aside time for personal work (5 hours/week).

The AGILEA training team


Isabelle Berquier - AGILEA

Isabelle Berquier

Maryse Alfred - AGILEA

Maryse Alfred

Pascal Foliot -Formateur Agilea

Pascal Foliot

Thomas Couteron -Formateur Agilea

Thomas Couteron

Thomas Janssen - Agilea

Thomas Janssen

Jennifer Jullien - Agilea

Jennifer Jullien