PARTICIPANT feedback on

Overall 2023 rating
for AGILEA training


Based on 730 evaluations from participants on their 2023 training experience.

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ASCM-CPIM Supply Chain Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 1,872 (part 1 and part 2)

Satisfaction with the quality of the training (2023): 85%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

Real support with numerous resources made available.

Interactivity, role-playing and above all, being able to benefit from the experience of everyone in a group with varied industrial backgrounds because this helps us break away from our routines and our vision that is limited to our sole field of activity.

A global and very complete vision of the Supply Chain; application to various sectors of activity, different work environments.

ASCM – CSCP Supply Chain Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 1,244

satisfaction with the quality of the training (2023): 99%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

Dynamism and intensity, broad spectrum of SC concepts, clarity of explanations and illustrations via concrete examples.

The expertise of the trainer, his availability and accessibility. Great coaching – support up to the finish line.

The support provided to learners (multiple sessions, preparation of webinars, sharing “bank” of questions, etc.).

ASCM – CLTD Supply Chain Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 31

satisfaction with the quality of the training (2022): 90%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

Applied professionalism. Richness of the trainer’s experience. Putting topics into perspective.

Exchanges of experience, appealing with questions/answers among people.

Different exercises and scenarios to help prepare well for the exam. Discussion with the group and the trainer on concrete examples.

ESCM – Supply Chain Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 490

Satisfaction with the quality of the training (2023): 90%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

The ability to lead a diverse population to progress in understanding a complex subject.

Simulations, sharing and diversity of experiences, theory-practice relationship always supported and immediate.

Provides solid foundations and knowledge essential for a good understanding of any industry.

FMIL – Supply Chain Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 1,050

Satisfaction with the quality of the training (2023): 98%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

Sharing with professionals on different organizational problems linked to each person’s activities.

Exchanges with a competent trainer, who explains the concepts with many concrete examples linked to his experience, and who has answers to all questions.

Very good application for following courses with progress rate, duration specified at the start of each module.
Good trainer who knew how to share and compare the experiences he had.

DDP – Supply Chain Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 283

Satisfaction with the quality of the training (2023): 96%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

Presentation and preparation for using the DDMRP, well-explained and good understanding of the business.

Engaging trainer, the material is interesting. Good balance between theory and practice.

Calculation and implementation at each stage of the program. End-of-course software very representative of the concepts taught.

AS&OP Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 60

Satisfaction with the quality of the training (2022): 98%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

Dynamism, the multitude of examples from other industries.

Working around the creation of realistic hypotheses helps us take an interesting step back from everyday life, gives a broadening of thinking at the company level and no longer at the individual or department level.

DDL – Supply Chain Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 234

Satisfaction with the quality of the training (2023): 97%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

The trainer’s teaching skills.

The competence of the trainer and his listening skills.

The alternating of theory and practical cases.

Project Management Training Feedback

Number of participants between 2018 and 2023: 2,000

Satisfaction with the quality of the training (2023): 95%

What were the benefits of this training for you?

Assimilation of the concept and associated principles in 1 day. The rhythm, the teaching, the exercises.

Explanations, experiences and anecdotes. Useful exercise software.

Participatory teaching, numerous practical examples, very meaningful games and before/after iteration.

Supply Chain &
Project Management Training

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